Promoting brief pitches for climate action

Here’s a poster promoting brief pitches for Australia becoming a renewable energy superpower.
If you want climate action, it helps if you can promote it with brevity.
The Poster
If you want climate action,
it helps if you can promote it briefly.

Australia has outstanding wind, sun, & mineral resources.
Powered by renewable energy,
we can radically expand our industrial base, e.g., steel production, &
become a renewable energy superpower.
Companies are investing in renewables because they are profitable.
This investment has bought wins for industries, jobs, prosperity, & our climate.
To get climate action, spread this economic argument.
Here are some half-minute pitches for
Australia becoming an economic, green energy superpower.
Good for interviews, or a lunchtime discussion.

Use the QR-code to look at the website now, or take a photo for later.
Focus your mobile camera on the QR-code and tap the resulting message. Or use a QR Scanner app.
If you want, print this poster via the website & put it up in a public space.
The story behind the poster
At the Melbourne climate march on Friday 21 May 2021, I let people know about my website by putting a sign on my backpack and handing out slips of paper saying:
Half-minute pitches for
Australia becoming a renewable energy exporting superpower.
As I handed out my slips of paper, I said things like:
- If you want climate action, it helps if you can promote it briefly.
- My website has brief pitches for climate action.
- That’s pitches for Australia becoming a renewable energy exporting superpower.
- The pitches are about our progress towards renewables.
- And as there’s been lots of progress, it’s good news.
- You might want to these pitches during a lunchtime conversation.
- If you like it, please pass it on to others.
- Let me know if you have any comments.
People were interested, and a good few wanted to talk about it. One woman took a photo of my sign, as she was concerned about the virus.
All this led me to develop this poster, with a QR code that takes people straight to the website.
I’d like to get the poster into places where people linger.
You can print the poster
You can download the poster as a PDF file and print it on an A4 sheet.
The file is “Poster-promoting-brief-pitches-for-climate-action-01.pdf”
Leave a poster in a library ….
If you have the urge to put one of these posters up in some public space, please do.
I’m considering/planning a few placements:
- Library notice board: My local library was happy to take a couple of the posters. The librarian will check out this site, and they may put the posters on a couple of notice boards.
- Supermarket: I laminated a poster and sticky-taped it to a post near the door of my local supermarket.
- Podiatrist’s waiting room: A podiatrist took a poster and may put it in his waiting room.
- Coffee shop
- Dentist’s waiting rooom
- University notice board
Updated 1 July 2021